Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo 136 - Hola Amigos, after you watch Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo 135, now you can watch the next chapter from your favorite telenovela "Triunfo Del Amor" Capitulo 136, which become more interesting. You can watch Triunfo Del Amor Capitulos 136 Online here with a good quality audio and video only for you. Have fun, enjoy it and have a nice day....
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Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo 136 parte 1
Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo 136 parte 2
Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo 136 parte 3
Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo 136 parte 4
Victoria Gutierrez (Victoria Ruffo) is introduced in the beginning of the novela, as a young servant girl working in the Iturbide household. Juan Pablo Iturbide (Diego Olivera), the son of Octavio de Iturbide (Eduardo Santamarina) and Bernarda Montejo de Iturbide (Daniela Romo) is attracted to Vitoria; the attraction is mutual. In a night of passion, Victoria becomes pregnant with Juan Pablo's child. Bernarda is furious upon discovering Victoria's pregnancy, and kicks Victoria out of the house.
Victoria finds support from her friend, Antonieta Orzoco (Erika Buenfil) and together they find work in a Humberto Padilla's sewing company, owned by Rodolfo Padilla (Salvador Pineda). Victoria gives birth to a little girl and names her Maria. Although they are poor, Victoria is nonetheless happy, but her happiness is soon interrupted. Bernarda intent on revenge, convinves herself that God has chosen her to enact his punishment on Victoria. She attempts to kill Victoria and her daughter, but instead only succeeds in separating them.
For detail sinopsis, you can find in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triunfo_del_Amor_%28telenovela%29.
Triunfo Del Amor
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